Daphne has found many benefits from hot yoga in her previous years practicing with Yogafurie. Most especially Daphne has found that her regular practice of hot yoga has helped her to manage her symptoms throughout the menopause.
Daphne, 53, attended a Yogafurie hot yoga class in 2017 and became hooked. That same time starting hot yoga was also when she noticed her menopause and its symptoms kicking in. “I was noticing symptoms such as night sweats, hot flushes and insomnia where I would wake up lots of times in the night and couldn’t get back to sleep.”
Hot yoga has helped Daphne with her insomnia, she reports that she still does wake up in the night but can go back to sleep due to the control Daphne has now developed over her body and mind. “I can be back to sleep in 10 minutes even when it’s 5am in the morning. My alarm goes off at 5:40 each week and before there would be no hope, I wouldn’t be able to get back to sleep. Now I can get an extra 30 minutes in the morning. And it doesn’t panic me either because even if I don’t go back to sleep, I’m getting such good relaxation and rest anyway.”
Daphne, with a successful career in specialist social welfare, is a married mother of three young adults and owns a pet dog, usually attends Yogafurie 3 times a week. Daphne reports that the hot flushes are a strong symptom that she notices from menopause. “When the hot flushes come it completely takes over me, with the heat and the sweat.” However thanks to her regular practice of hot yoga, Daphne’s body has acclimatised to the heat of the practice. “I still sweat, but it feels easier and doesn’t bother me. I can ride it out as it’s not such a shock to my body to feel that hot.”
A regular Yogafurie hot yoga practice brings many other benefits, including de-stressing and helping with focus. “I have to focus on keeping my balance and how I’m moving, I find I’m thinking so hard about how to adjust my body that I don’t think about anything else. I’ll come out so de-stressed because I’ve switched off completely from everything else”.
Another of the reported benefits that Daphne offers is more confidence in her body. “I come out at 7:30am feeling cleansed, full of energy and really liking my body as it feels good, strong and capable”. Daphne reports that she finds she is still burning calories a couple of hours following her class and it has helped her to stay strong and flexible. “As you get older your bones get weaker and my hot yoga practice is counterbalancing that.”
Currently Daphne is studying her 200 hour Yoga & Hot Yoga Teacher Training with Yogafurie Academy and will graduate in May 2020. “My very long term plan is that it’s something I would like to carry in to retirement. I might focus on offering yoga classes to elderly people as they often have specific movement limitations and it will be a great way to help combat loneliness.”
You can also discover how Yogafurie hot yoga can transform your life and bring you benefits that you might never have imagined! Check out our hot yoga timetable, with 21 classes a week and 8 different styles on offer, we’re sure there will be something for you!