Regular exercise, a good diet and a good night’s sleep are essential to giving yourself the wherewithal to do all the great things that you want to do. Unfortunately when life gets particularly busy, exercise, good food and good sleep are usually the first things to go out of the window.
Your body is in a constant state of change. Much like how our moods change, our energy levels and productivity can change too. It’s important to remember that good health and vitality require a steady upkeep of good rest, good food and good exercise.
3 ways that hot yoga will help promote your vitality
Work your stresses away
Hot yoga helps keep you on an even keel by helping relieve stress. At the physical level, Yogafurie Hot Yoga classes release tightness and strain in muscles and joints.
Yoga can be incredibly therapeutic for mental or physical tiredness. On a mental level, your worries of the day melt away through focusing on your breath. Focused breathing techniques bring quiet and calm to the brain and central nervous system.
Recharge your batteries
Reinvigorate yourself so that you have the energy to spend with your loved ones. By helping to calm your mind and work away the stresses of the day, a lot of students notice an immediate lift in their mood and general energy levels. By regularly practicing yoga, you’ll notice a lift in your energy levels.
Sharper mental focus
Help to keep your mental focus sharp by making time for hot yoga. Yoga in general is a great way to improve concentration, just by its nature. Working on the postures and breathing exercises can help boost your power to focus.
Yogafurie classes always bring you back to focusing on moving with your breath. By bringing your focus back on to your breath with each pose, you also strengthen your ability to focus.
Making time for yourself each week
To help you work hard on everything else in your life, it’s worth making time each week to work on yourself. By spending some time each week on some ‘me time’, you can help yourself to keep on an even keel, have plenty of energy and maintain your focus.
Too busy to practice?
Practice reduces stress by promoting good breath and great exercise. Good breath stimulates your body to relax; great exercise helps your mind relax because you feel stronger and leaner. And when you relax, the people you love to be with can relax too.
We have 15 Hot Yoga classes per week for you to choose from. There’s something for everyone. If you find the evening classes a struggle, have you tried one of our 6:30am classes?
Lara Menon was the first to say that she wasn’t a ‘Morning Person’, but she’s found that the early classes really work for her! Have a read about how she finds 6:30am class here
Stuggling with an old injury? Tired of living with discomfort?
Injuries can be quite frustrating, especially when they hinder you from doing all the great things that you like to do. Sinead’s written a blog post about how hot yoga has helped her overcome injuries.
Ed regularly tailors classes to specific conditions, to help people better understand their bodies and how they can help themselves.
You can also book 1-on-1 sessions to get targeted help for whatever you’re working with. Why not get in touch? We can talk about how we can help with any niggles that you may have.
And when times are tight….
This is probably when you need to de-stress with Hot Yoga the most! Sudden changes in your financial circumstance can bring a lot of worry and uncertainty. Having a place to relieve stress and bring some balance into your life can really help in testing times.
Yogafurie can help you continue to come to class with our off peak memberships, which start from just £39 per month. You can take a look at the different options that we have here.
Getting back on the horse
Sometimes life can get in the way of our ‘me time’, which can then have an effect on how well we deal with everything in our day to day life. When you find yourself in that situation, the best thing to do is to get going again.
Why not check out our timetable and see which class time you could fit in. See you soon!