Jo’s journey from “Yoga Curious” to “Teacher Training”

A cardio junkie at heart, who loves cycling, running, and anything high adrenaline I never thought the pandemic would lead me to a yoga mat never mind Teacher Training. But after months of just sitting at my desk, on the couch, and on bike trainer in the spare room my hips were so tight I could barely stand up straight. A trip to the chiropractor and the recommendation that I should take up yoga didn’t particularly excite me, but for my health and my hips I agreed it was probably something I needed to do.

Naturally if I was going to take up yoga it had to be extreme, hot, and sweaty which is how I found myself at the Yogafurie Studio. From the very first session I became yoga curious and had so many questions. What does OM mean? What’s sanskrit, where is my sternum? and I was going home after class spending hours on the internet googling all things yoga. My husband suggested that if I was that interested in learning more, I should do the Teacher Training program, and although he isn’t always right, he definitely was that time. 


The journey begins

Yogafurie is a special place. Walking into the studio is like getting a warm hug, the space and the instructors make you feel safe. So, I talked to Ed about my yoga curiosity and my concerns about teacher training because I was new to yoga and wasn’t sure if I was ready for the course yet. Ed listened and gave me the reassurance that I needed to make my decision. I signed up, and every month packed my lunch and my pencil case and went to study. The course content is so varied, and we covered Anatomy, Posture Analysis, Yoga Philosophy, and the Subtle Body. It brought structure to my study and learning in a group is much more fun. The people that you meet on the course makes it even more magic and your Sangha becomes your yoga family, and support network. It is a challenge though, so be ready to work and play hard. The first time you have to stand at the front and try and lead your classmates into a pose is nerve racking for everyone, but the support and encouragement is always there.

Being a very physical person, I was surprised to find that it was the subtle body, breathing and meditation that really interested me. My fondest memories will be the chanting and the kirtan.  It starts off a little embarrassing with lots of mumbling because you don’t know the words, but after a while it starts to just flow out of you. Like singing from the soul. 

Living the results

Over the last 12 months I have felt a shift in me that’s hard to explain, but if you know, you know. The 200 hour Teacher training course gave me so much, and now I’m calmer, happier and lighter. 

If you’re apprehensive about Yoga Teacher Training or you think it’s not for you, don’t be. It will be the best gift you ever give yourself.

200 hour teacher training at Yogafurie in Bristol







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